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David A. Farrell [PG, PhD, MSc, BSc]Position: Principal Email Address: dfarrell@cimh.edu.bb Dr. Farrell became the Principal of CIMH on May 1, 2006. Dr. Farrell brought approximately 15 years of experience working in various areas of Hydrogeology and approximately 8 years of experience working in various areas of Applied Geophysics. In addition to his administrative responsibilities, Dr. Farrell is involved in various Caribbean and international scientific projects related to Hydrogeology, hydrology and geophysics. Dr. Farrell also sits on a number of Technical Advisory Committees for regional disaster management and climate change projects. He is also one of the technical specialists supporting the Government of Barbados' review of the safety of the Arch Cot and greater Brittons Hill areas following the cave collapse and related deaths at Arch Cot, St. Michael, Barbados. Dr. Farrell is the WMO Hydrological Advisor to the British Caribbean Territories. Prior to joining CIMH, Dr. Farrell was employed as a Senior Research Scientist with the Geosciences and Engineering Division, Southwest Research Institute (SwRI), San Antonio, Texas, USA. Education:
Post and Responsibilities: Planning, organizing, coordinating, and management of the organization’s research and technical activities. Additional activities include: Conducting independent research and development designed to meet the needs of the Caribbean region. Current and Recent Research and Development Activities:
Performed independent research to support characterization of the hydrogeologic system in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain , Nevada . This work was performed to support the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) review of the impending US Department of Energy’s (DOE) licence application to operate a high-level waste repository at Yucca Mountain . Recently appointed Principal Investigator on a team studying the effects of future repository heating on the movement of water in and around repository drifts. The quantity and chemistry of groundwater entering drifts can accelerate the degradation of engineered barriers at the repository. The annual budget for the project is approximately USD $800,000.
Member of a team conducting research to better characterize the movement of groundwater flow in the saturated zone in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain , Nevada . The saturated groundwater flow system is one potential pathway along which radio nuclides breaching the engineered barrier system at the repository may reach the accessible environment. Achievements include:
Experience: (Cont'd) Principal Scientific Investigator for the West Valley Demonstration Project (WVDP), West Valley , New York .
Principal Scientific Investigator on a project to develop strategies and methodologies to support long-term sustainable management of coastal karst aquifer systems in the Caribbean . Project participants include the Water Resources Authority of Jamaica, the Barbados Water Authority, the Antigua Public Utilities Authority, the University of the West Indies , and the Barbados Ministry of the Environment. This project supports institutional strengthening of regional water management authorities and is being funded over three years (approximately USD $400,000) by the Inter-American Agency for Cooperation and Development, Organization of American States (OAS).
Experience: (Cont'd) Principal Scientific Investigator and Project Manager for a Southwest Research Institute internal research and development project designed to improve subsurface imaging using non-invasive geophysical methods. Project funding was approximately $150,000. Methodology developed has the potential to delineate subsurface contamination.
Principal Scientific Investigator on a project to support mapping groundwater quality in the New Forest/Duff House region of southern Jamaica. This project used a suite of geophysical techniques to map hydrogeologic features at the project site including depth to water (determined to be over 100 m deep) and water quality. The results of this project supported the National Irrigation Commission of Jamaica in its design and implementation of an irrigation system for the project area. Funding for this component of the project was approximately USD 40,000.
Member of a committee developed as part of a Memorandum of Understanding between US Federal Agencies to develop standards and frameworks for environmental assessment software used by these agencies. Responsibilities included:
Reports and Publications (refereed): Farrell, D. A., V. Rankin, and A. Buseman‑Williams. Development and Application of Models to Simulate Saturated Zone Transport Under Future Climates at Yucca Mountain. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2006. Grimm, R.E., E. Heggy, S. Clifford, C. Dinwiddie, D. Farrell. Absorption and Scattering in Ground‑Penetrating Radar: Analysis of the Bishop Tuff. (Revised Paper) February 2006 Journal for Geophysical Research and Planets [submitted]. Farrell, D. A., O. Osidele, J. Myers, D. Hooper, S. Colton, L. Canter, B. Strye, H. Bryan, and P. Held. Predecisional Official Use Only: Review of Preliminary Draft Environmental Impact Statement for Decommissioning and/or Long‑Term Stewardship at the West Valley Demonstration Project and Western New York Nuclear Service Center. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2006. Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, H. Barnes, J. Browne, A. Sutherland, J. Humphrey, B. Mayers, and J. Weller. Characterization of Seawater Intrusion on Antigua, West Indies. Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), 2005 Conference Proceedings, April 3-7, 2005, Atlanta Airport Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 2005. Fedors, R., S. Green, D. Walter, D. Farrell, S. Svedeman, F. Dodge, R. Hart. Environmental Conditions in Drifts. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2004. Farrell, D. A., R. Fedors, and D. Turner. Review of the U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Decommissioning and Long-Term Stewardship Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix J—Hydrologic Models. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2004. Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, B.L. Mayers, A. Sutherland, H. Barnes, J. Nurse, and L. Moseley. Characterization and Modeling of Seawater Intrusion in an Aquifer Along the West Coast of Barbados. Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), 2004 Conference Proceedings, February 22-26, 2004, Antlers Adams Mark Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. 2004. Farrell, D. A., D. Sims, and D. Turner. Review of the U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Decommissioning and Long-Term Stewardship Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix L—Erosion Studies. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2003. Farrell, D. A., and S.K. Sandberg. Electrical Resistivity Studies of Forty mile Wash, Nye County, Nevada. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2003. Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, B.L. Mayers, A. Sutherland, and H. Barnes.Barbados Pilot Site Characterization: Data Interpretation.San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2003. Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, B.L. Mayers, A. Sutherland, and H. Barnes.Barbados Pilot Site Characterization: Field Report. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2002. Hackert, C.L.,D. A. Farrell, andB. Zook. Integrated Seismic and Resistivity Tomography for Improved Subsurface Imaging. Society of Exploration Geophysicist, 2002 Conference Proceedings, Salt Lake City, USA. 2002. Farrell, D. A., and P. Mackin, Partial Site Release Modeling: Review of NRC approach to partial site release modeling and its applicability to the West Valley Demonstration Project Environmental Impact Assessment Statement and alternative decommissioning strategy. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2001. Sims, D.W., Farrell, D. A., R. Fedors, and D. Turner. Review of the U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Decommissioning and Long-Term Stewardship Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix L—Erosion Studies. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2001. Farrell, D. A., R. Fedors, and D. Turner.Review of the U.S. Department of Energy West Valley Demonstration Project Decommissioning and Long-Term Stewardship Environmental Impact Statement: Appendix J—Hydrogeologic Models Used to Calculate Groundwater Flow Conditions. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2001. Reports and Publications (refereed): (Cont'd) Farrell, D. A., D.W. Sims, C. Illman, R. Fedors, M. Necsoiu, D. Waiting, and P. Mackin.Final Report (Task 3):West Valley Demonstration Project Geographic Information System/Three-Dimensional Modeling System. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. August, 2001. Farrell, D. A., D.W. Sims, C. Illman, R. Fedors, D. Waiting, and P. Mackin.Final Report (Task 2):West Valley Demonstration Project Geographic Information System/Three-Dimensional Modeling System. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. February, 2001. Farrell, D. A., P. Mackin, D.W. Sims, and R. Fedors. West Valley Demonstration Project: Task 2, Geographic Information System; Subtask B, Modeling Strategy Development. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2000. Sims, D.W., J.A. Stamatakos, D. A. Ferrill, H.L. McKague, D. A. Farrell, A. Armstrong. Three-Dimensional Structural Model of the Amargosa Desert, Version 1.0: Report to Accompanying Model Transfer to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (IM 01402.471.040). San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2000. D. A. Farrell, J. Winterle, W. Illman, and R.W. Fedors.Review of Porosity Distributions in the Yucca Mountain Region. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2000. Femina, C. Connor, J. Stamatakos, and D. A. Farrell. Imaging an Active Normal Fault in Alluvium by High-Resolution Magnetic and Electromagnetic Surveys. (in submission to Environmental and Engineering Geosciences). 2000. Farrell, D. A., P. La Femina, A. Armstrong, S. Sandberg, and N. Rogers.Constraining hydrologic models using geophysicaltechniques: Case study Forty Mile Wash and Amargosa Desert, Southern Nevada. Symposium on Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP), 2000 Conference Proceedings, February 20-24, 2000, Hyatt Regency, Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia, USA, 2000. Farrell, D. A., A. Armstrong, J. R. Winterle, D. R. Turner, D. A. Ferrill, J. A. Stamatakos, N. M. Coleman, M. B. Gray, and S. K. Sandberg. Structural Controls on Groundwater Flow in the Yucca Mountain Region. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 1999. Abt, Steven R., P. C. Mackin, and D. A. Farrell. Comments on West Valley Site Erosion Modeling. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 1999. LaPlante, P., D. A. Farrell, P. Mackin, W. Murphy, W. Patrick, B. Sagar, M. Smith, and J. Weldy. Comments on the Proposed EPA Standard 40 CFR Part 197: CNWRA Input to Commission Paper. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 1999. Armstrong, A., D. A. Farrell, S. Painter, and D. Turner. 1999. Review of the Saturated Zone Flow and Transport Models Used to Support the Viability Assessment of the Proposed High-Level Waste Repository at Yucca Mountain. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 1999. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury. Dispersion under transient flow conditions: A numerical simulation analysis. [accepted by Water Resour. Res., 1998]. Farrell, D. A, A. D. Woodbury and W. S. Dunbar. Numerical modelling of mass transport in hydrogeologic environments: Evaluation of the "shifted" Arnoldi approach.[in preparation]. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury and E. A. Sudicky.Numerical modelling of mass transport in hydrogeologic environments:Performance comparison of the LTG and Arnoldi solution schemes.Adv. Water Resour., 21(3), 217-235, 1998. Reports and Publications (refereed): (Cont'd) Farrell, D. A.An Assessment of the Role of Transient Flow on the Dispersion of Non-Reactive Solutes in Porous Media: A Numerical Study.PhD dissertation, University of Manitoba, 1997. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury and E. A. Sudicky.The Borden tracer experiment: Analysis of the spatial moments. Water Resour. Res., 30(11), p. 3213 - 3223, 1994. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury, E. A. Sudicky, and M. O. Rivett.Stochastic and deterministic analysis of dispersion in unsteady flow at the Borden Tracer-test site, Ontario, Canada.J. Contam. Hydrol., 15, 159 - 185, 1994. Farrell, D. A.An Analysis of the Influence of Waterlevel Fluctuations on the Dispersion Process at the Borden Aquifer.MSc dissertation, University of Manitoba, 1993. Internal SwRI Research and Development (IR&D) Reports: Farrell, D., C. Hackert, S. Mohanty, B. Zook, and D. Hughson.Focused IR&D Proposal — An Integrated Approach to Subsurface Imaging: Final Report, August, 2002. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2002. Connor, C., R. Green, S. Sandberg, and D. Farrell. Quick Look IR&D Final Report — Transient Electromagnetic Mapping and Monitoring of the Edwards Aquifer. San Antonio, TX: Center for Nuclear Waste Regulatory Analyses. 2000. Publications (non-refereed) and Presentations: Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, B.L. Mayers, H. Barnes, A. Sutherland, L. Moseley, and K. Bradshaw. 2006. Geophysical Characterization of Limestone Aquifers in the Caribbean. (Invited Presentation) Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H21C-04. Beijing China. Farrell, D. A., S.K. Sandberg, S. Lawrence, and S. Beckford. 2006. Groundwater Exploration in a Deep Karstic Aquifer in Southern Jamaica. (Invited Presentation) Eos Trans. AGU, 87(36), West. Pac. Geophys. Meet. Suppl., Abstract H21C-03. Beijing China. Farrell, D. A. Water Resources in the Caribbean. Adapting to Climate Change in the Caribbean (ACCC) Project and Mainstreaming Adaptation to Climate Change (MACC) Project in Association with the University of the West Indies Centre for Environment and Development (UWICED): Climate Change and Water Workshop, the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, Kingston, Jamaica, March 4-5, 2004. Farrell, D. A., L. Moseley, B.L. Mayers, S.K. Sandberg, A. Sutherland, H. Barnes. Geophysical and Hydrological Characterization of Two Groundwater Management Basins on Barbados. 2003 Hydrology Symposium, Grand Barbados Hotel, Barbados. 2003. Mayers, B.L., L. Moseley, D. A. Farrell, J. Mwansa, A. Sutherland, and H. Barnes. Delineation of Seawater Intrusion for Sustainable Groundwater Management. Proceedings of the 2002 Caribbean Waste and Wastewater Association, St. Lucia, West Indies. 2002. Farrell, D. A., Sims, P. Mackin, R. Fedors, M. Necsoiu, C. Glen, A. Snyder, and C. Illman. Data Sufficiency, EIS Development, and Regulatory Decision-Making: The Role of GIS. Transactions, 2002 Fall Meeting, AGU, vol. 82, No. 17, Supplement. 2002. Farrell, D. A., B.L. Mayers, L. Moseley, J. Mwansa, and R.T. Green. Development and Implementation of a Sustainable Groundwater Management System for Karsts Aquifers. Presented at the Kick-Off Meeting in Barbados for the Caribbean Salinity Project Funded by the Organization of American States. June, 2002. Hill, M., J. Winterle, D. A. Farrell, D. Sims, and P. Bertetti.Conceptual Models of the Potentiometric Surface at Yucca Mountain, NV.Transsactions, 2002 Spring Meeting, AGU, vol. 85, No. 52, Supplement. 2002. La Femina, P., C. Connor, J. Stamatakos, and D. A. Farrell. Imaging an active normal fault in alluvium by high-resolution magnetic and electromagnetic surveys. Transactions, 2000 Fall Meeting, AGU, vol. 81, No. 17, Supplement. 2000. Painter, S., and D. A. Farrell.On the characterization of highly heterogeneous aquifers: Alternative approaches based on non- Gaussian random fields. 1999 GSA Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado. 1999. Farrell, D. A., C. Connor, P. La Femina, and R. Fedors.Geophysical and hydrogeological studies along a fault zone. Transactions, 1999 Spring Meeting, AGU, vol. 80, No. 49, Supplement. 1999. Armstrong, A., S.L. Painter, D.R. Turner, S.M. Jones, and D. A. Farrell. Hydrogeologic Inferences from Thermal and Chemical Measurements at Yucca Mountain, Nevada.Transactions, 2000 Spring Meeting, AGU, vol. 80, No. 17, Supplement. 1999. Coleman, N., J. Winterle, D. A. Farrell, C. Connor, P. La Femina, A. Armstorng, and S. Sandberg. Geohydrology of Fortymile Wash, Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Transactions, 1999 Spring Meeting, AGU, vol. 80, No. 49, Supplement. 1999. Stamatakos, J., K Kodama, C. Connor, D. Sims, P. La Femina, D. A. Farrell, and D. Ferrill.Buried structures in the Amargosa Desert revealed by detailed gravity and ground magnetic surveys. Presented at the Death Valley Workshop, Las Vegas Nevada, April 9-12, 1999. Farrell, D. A.and A. D. Woodbury.Analysis of dispersion under transient conditions: A numerical simulation approach. Eos, Transactions, 1996 Fall Meeting, AGU, vol. 77, No. 46, Supplement. 1996. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury and E. A. Sudicky.Numerical modelling of the advection dispersion equation: Laplace Transform Galerkin and Arnoldi methods. Eos, Transactions, 1993 Fall Meeting, AGU, vol. 74, No. 43, Supplement. 1993. Farrell, D. A., A. D. Woodbury, E. A. Sudicky, M. Rivett. An analysis of fluctuating waterlevels at the Borden Tracer-test site. Eos, Transactions, 1991 Fall Meeting, AGU, vol. 72, No. 44, Supplement. 1991. |