Kathy-Ann Caesar, [MSc, BSc]
Position: Meteorologist
Department: Meteorology
Email Address: kacaesar@cimh.edu.bb
- Masters of Science Student in Meteorology Texas A&M University
- Bachelor of Science Degree in Meteorology (with Honors), minor in Mathematics - State University of New York at Brockport
- Lectures
- Researcher
- Manager, COROBOR system
- Chair-person "40th Anniversary Committee".
Research Projects:
- Squall lines over the Southern Caribbean and their relationship to low level wind maximum (near 700mb).
- Low Level Wind surges and their impact on weather over the Eastern Caribbean.
- Development of for stability index for the region.
- Factors associated with the development of Tropical Cyclones over the lower Caribbean.
Areas of Interest:
- Tropical meteorology
- tropical cyclones and forecast office operations and forecasting.