Lawrence Pologne, [MSc, BSc]

Department: Meteorology

Position: Meteorologist

Email Address:

Education: Florida State University (FSU), University of The West Indies(St.Augustine), Caribbean Institute for Meteorology & Hydrology (CIMH).

Qualifications/Certification: MSc Meteorology, BSc Mathematics & Computer Science, WMO Class II Certificate in Meteorology(Forecasting).

Duties: Lecturing in the field of Dynamic meteorology, Synoptic Meteorology,  Modeling the effects of Mountainous Terrain on the meso-scale circulation over the East Caribbean.

Current Areas of Interests: Numerical Weather Prediction,Modeling Mesoscale Weather, Extreme Weather Event (Drought Monitoring, floods) Climate Dynamics.

Publications: Spatiotemporal variability & prediction of rainfall over the Eastern Caribbean (2005), Impact of the 2001 drought in St.ucia (2003).

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